Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm kind of confused by this, as I am with all online things when I first start them.

I tried break free from blogging, but I give up. I like it.

I could try to think of something exciting and clever to talk about...But all I can think of right now is the fact that my mom just said she thinks I should have blond hair again...

I'm never content with my hair.

I'm really not as shallow as I sound.

I just started every sentence with the word "I" including this one.


Anonymous said...

I like that you have a blog. :-)
It makes me happy.
I was talking to my mom about how out of touch with life I feel and how I need to see you. Then I heard you are coming to see me! Finally...finally. :-*

Chelsea said...

Rayna! You have a blog! I do too...www.singforhim024.blogspot.com...leave me a comment!! I love you!!

Anonymous said...

yay! rayna on blog!
takes me back to 15.


rayna, i miss you so much it's ridiculous.