Sunday, April 20, 2008

Trying for a real life blog. Like a real person.

Lately things have been pretty crazy, running back and forth between work, school and whatever else. I only have to finish two more assignments and I'll be done! Well, on May 1st I will be! I'm so looking forward to next month coming, though alot has to get done before then. There are a million little things that are consuming my time. School assignments, getting things together for graduation, preparing for my brother Quint's birth (Next month!!), working out scholarships and classes for the Fall semester.

Nicole took my senior pictures last week. She's fantastic may I add, so creative!

And I went to Jenny's Babyshower today, which was a little awkward...not knowing anyone really, but seeing all the baby stuff made me REALLY excited! I can't wait to hold my little Q!

God has been so faithful to speak to me and reveal my sin to me recently. I have alot of change ahead of me, but I am confident in his sustaining grace and strength.

I just really can't wait until summer. Its so close!


Vanessa Marie Fernandez said...

Steph just told me of your 'possible' road trip! I hope it works out, I'd love to hang out.

Anonymous said...

In just a few weeks I'm going to see you. How wonderful is that?

Babies are wonderful things. How cool is it that you're now going to have a little brother who's life you'll be able to speak into and, if the Lord allows, share the gospel with and point to the cross...from the time he's a baby! How cool is it that God has planned for this baby to come the way he is, and just when he is. How cool is it that God is in control? I think that's amazing.

I love you dear Rayna!

Anonymous said...

Yay for the baby!
Yay for seeing you tomorrow! (technically today)
Yay for your graduation pictures! I can't wait to see them. Nicole is amazing!
Well that's just a bunch of excitement right there...yay, yay, yay.

Courtney said...

Yes indeed, Hurray for Blogs and the Folmsbees! :)
How are you sweet girl? You coming to New Attitude this year? If you see the Folmsbees anytime soon please tell them the Cookes Love and miss them and think they should come up and visit us!

Bye Sweetie <3